July 13, 2013

Movie in the Park

Last week I watched that movie, What to Expect when your Expecting, and during the scene where they are in the park watching a movie, I started to wonder if towns really did stuff like that. I know, don't judge, I honestly had no idea. I don't remember ever doing anything like that as a child. So I started browsing the internet and I came across the summer events for where we live and there is was, movie night in the park. I was soooooo excited!

So last night we all loaded up the kids, some blankets and a couple drinks and headed out. It took us forever to find a place to park, so we know to go earlier next time, but once we got out there and had our blankets all set up, we had a blast! According to the website, the movie was to start at sunset, and the sun took it's time setting last night (was supposed to set at 8:28pm, was not dark until after 9) So we ended up being there an hour before the movie start, but all the kids agree to go earlier next time. There was room to run around, a big hill to roll down, they did not even watch the movie when it did start.

I really believe the kids had more fun last night than they have had all summer! I am so happy that we have hopefully created a memory for the kids that they will remember forever and they all say they can't wait for next Friday night!

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